At age 6, Tyler was one of those very “busy boys” who would rather be outside playing (or inside playing video games) than doing anything associated with books. He had zero interest in learning to read.
Tyler had a small cloud hanging over his head: His brother–three and a half years older–had figured out how to read on his own before starting kindergarten. It is a “precocious” ability that 1% of all 4-, 5-, and 6-year-olds turn up with every year. Notably, Read Right founder Dee Tadlock, Ph.D. wrote one of the first books designed to explain precisely how it is possible for young children to figure out how to read on their own. The book breaks it down to the smallest possible components. Are you thinking “phonics”? No–much more! It is the neurons where all knowledge is stored, and the procedural learning required for the brain to construct a complex, highly efficient neural network specifically designed to guide reading excellence. You’ll find detailed information in Chapter 3 of Dee’s book, available in the Read Right Store.
Tutors build a strong bond with students when they are tutoring one-on-one. Tyler eventually shared with me that he thought he must be “dumb” because it was easy for his brother to figure out how to read–and he hadn’t. His coping mechanism for what he perceived as failure became constant motion–and an open dislike for books.
In March 2023, Tyler started Read Right Online Tutoring an average 3 days a week, 30 minutes per day. It took only one month for him to master the 15 stable consonants Read Right requires before students start working with books. Four months later, Tyler was starting to read 1st Grade books on his own. He accomplished this without ever being asked to sound out (or decode) a single word! Six months after that, Tyler finished his work with me reading with full comprehension and oral fluency at a mid-2nd Grade reading level!
Remarkably, Tyler’s behavior changed significantly over the months. Rather than the boy who would protest or cry before every tutoring session, by Month 3 Tyler stopped complaining. By Month 4, he figured out that he was actually learning to read–and became cooperative in every way.
It wasn’t long after Tyler discovered that reading can be easy and fun, that he looked at me with a beaming smile: “I can do this. I’m smart–just like my brother!” Those are life-changing words.
That’s the difference Read Right methodology makes. No one can know how many kids develop negative self-perceptions and coping skills when they assume they cannot be as successful as their siblings or peers. It can cause one to wonder how many bright kids are diagnosed every year with ADD/ADHD simply because they struggle to read. And, the best possible end to this story: Once an authentically excellent reader, always an excellent reader!
FACT: Children who figure out how to read on their own before starting school are known to NEVER develop reading problems. Why? The neural network built by the brain to guide the reading act was built correctly for one purpose: Simultaneously produced literal comprehension and oral fluency.
Read Right methodology truly does “empower the mind” for authentic reading excellence. Just ask Tyler’s mom: In the 7th month of his 2nd Grade year, Tyler is reading 3rd and 4th Grade chapter books. He has needed no other help in reading. Today, now loves to SIT and READ! It’s fun and, for him–as it should be for every child, it’s easy!