Blog Young and Old: Why Read Right Works

October 24, 2024

From Read Right Online Tutoring Student Cliff M., age 30-ish:

“In the past, reading has always been my Achilles’ heel. Long paragraphs gave me anxiety, and my goal to read fluently seemed so far away. However, everything changed when I signed up with my Read Right tutor. Working with her has improved my reading, writing, and how to read for understanding. Reading word-by-word is a thing of the past for me. I genuinely recommend her 5-star reading program. Since beginning my work with her, I’ve been promoted twice in my career, and reading is a way of life for me now.”

With Read Right, the same online tutoring methods that work for brand new readers work for adult readers, too–adults who have struggled with reading their entire lives. And, in the 21st Century, many careers rely upon reading ability for professionals to advance in their careers. If you can’t keep up with the latest knowledge in your field, you’re likely to get stuck in the no-advancement zone!

The answer to “how” and “why” Read Right works with all ages, early reading through collegiate-level: The methods accurately reflect what the brain requires for the development of authentic reading excellence. Specifically, the methods focus at all times on the right outcome for reading development: literal comprehension in the moment, as reading progresses, and reading that sounds as natural as conversational speech when performed out loud.

Read Right methodology is unique. It is not grounded in the popular “science of reading” because that science left out a whole lot of vital brain science that must be considered when seeking to develop excellent performance. Dee Tadlock, Ph.D., developer of Read Right methodology, identified the correct brain science 40 years ago, and has applied the latest and best brain science to her methods ever since.

Read Right methodology defines excellent reading as literal comprehension formed in the mind of the reader. In this view, “fluency” is not a separate skill that can be explicitly taught. Rather, Read Right methodology uses oral reading ability as a “window into the brain” and how it is performing the reading act. When a reader has a reading problem, clear and measurable symptoms emerge every time the reader reads out loud. The #1 strategy all Read Right tutors are trained to use to help students improve reading ability is to re-focus the brains attention on constructing meaning from text (the foundation of literal comprehension) as their eyes scan the text. Thus, comprehension comes first with Read Right–not last, as it does with the science of reading.

Cliff M. won’t mind me telling you that he’s now a dad who is already enjoying books with his toddler. He’s doing it the Read Right way! More than his dedication to being a very successful professional, Cliff is fully dedicated to being a super dad who ensures his daughter never struggles with reading as he did.

For more information on how to lay the right foundation for reading development in children ages birth to five, see Dee’s book in the Read Right Store.