Revolutionary reading success for 40+ years


At Read Right, we know our reading program works to improve the reading skills of English Language Learners. We know that Read Right gives ELL students the English reading help that they need to feel confident and to be successful and productive. We have the Data to prove Read Right works!

English Language Learners Data Middle School

Mean Grade Equivalency (GE)

Average hours of Read Right tutoring:41

Mean Normal Curve Equivalency (NCE)

A mean NCE Gain Score of 0.0 means the students held their own in the norming population, neither falling further behind nor closing the achievement gap. Thus low gain scores are statistically meaningful.

Researchers generally regard NCE gain scores between 1.9 and 3.2 to be indicative of an effective program.

English Language Learners Data High School

Mean Grade Equivalency (GE)

Average hours of Read Right tutoring:42

Mean Normal Curve Equivalency (NCE)

A mean NCE Gain Score of 0.0 means the students held their own in the norming population, neither falling further behind nor closing the achievement gap. Thus low gain scores are statistically meaningful.

Researchers generally regard NCE gain scores between 1.9 and 3.2 to be indicative of an effective program.

See Borman, G.D., Hewes, G.M., Overman, L.T. & Brown, S. (2003) Comprehensive School Reform and Achievement: A Meta-Analysis. Reviews of Educational Research, 73 (2), 125-230.

We have seen in some cases miracles, but in all cases advancement in their reading. We are seeing kids who are passing  [the state reading test] who would never have had a chance to pass because they couldn’t read.

— Jo, Read Right Tutor & Trainer, High School —