Read Right Receives High Marks from National Response to Intervention (RTI) Research Review Team

Our Staircase Approach Achieves Common Core Standards
Read Right uses a “staircase” approach to address reading problems and achieve common core standards. Every Read Right student begins the program at their optimum functional oral reading level.
- At the beginning, students are assessed for entry-level reading ability and immediately begin to work with text at that level. Students testing as non-readers (cannot read Kindergarten through Grade 1 text) are assessed for gaps in phonics knowledge (letters and corresponding sounds) and receive appropriate explicit instruction.
- As students implicitly master text complexity with lower level material (including expansion of vocabulary, the accurate anticipation of meaning and related language, and the ability to comprehend more complex text), they move progressively into higher text levels, until the reading problem is eliminated.
- ON-SITE: During each on-site tutoring session (one tutor works with up to five students), the tutor uses the highly structured Read Right System to help Tier 2 and Tier 3 RTI students simultaneously grow fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
- ONLINE: During each online tutoring session, tutors work with one to two private students. For contracted school “pods” (Grades 2 – 12), we tutor up to four students.
- Every student remains fully engaged in interwoven activities that include: On-going formative assessment, immediate strategies and feedback to improve performance, our patented and one-of-a-kind Excellent Reading strategy, coached reading, independent reading, and integrated guided practice and vocabulary development that target oral reading fluency and full comprehension. We help our students focus on excellence, and nothing less.
We train every tutor — yours and ours — in the “full meal deal,” creating the most effective reading tutors you’ll ever find. Our training program includes a comprehensive assessment system, so you can monitor individual student and overall program progress monthly and at year-end.
Common Core Reading Requirements
Diverse Array of Literature
Read Right uses diverse sources of literature in Online and On-site Intervention Programs (Grades 2 – 12) and the Primary Core Curriculum (Kindergarten – Grade 3). In our Intervention Programs, as soon as entry level reading ability is established, students are assigned a set of books at a level intended to help them experience early success. The Intervention Program library includes access to at least 700 books and 300 recorded selections. Each library is customized for individuals or schools, with every book carefully selected to help students build knowledge, gain language, and explore perspectives.
Critical Types of Content
Every Read Right library includes works of fiction and non-fiction. The Primary Core Curriculum library (K-3) includes popular children’s fiction, as well as fun books about animals, bugs, the weather, the world of work, a variety of cultures, and more. The Read Right Intervention Program library (2-12) includes similar books, plus popular classics, historical non-fiction, works from science, social studies, and more. A few of the many titles: The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Red Badge of Courage, Sala’s Gift (a holocaust story), Aztec Life, and Nuclear Disaster at Chernobyl. Individuals profiled in the Read Right Intervention Program’s many historical biographies include Ben Franklin, Harriet Tubman, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Books like Heroes and Rescued include 21 stories each on famous people from all walks of life and their acts of bravery.
Speaking & Listening Requirements
Increasingly complex information
By design, both the Primary Core Curriculum and the Read Right Intervention Programs compel students to grow in listening skills, text analysis, and critical thinking, including the ability to accurately comprehend what they are hearing (when books are read aloud to students), as well as reading and the ability to verbally convey the meaning of what they have heard or read. From the beginning, every Read Right student listens to text being read to them and participates in checks for accurate understanding. Through a system of guided practice, students read aloud to the tutor, and errors in pronunciation or comprehension receive immediate student-centered instruction.
One-on-one discussion
During both the Primary Core Curriculum and the Intervention Programs, students are called upon individually to read aloud to the tutor. This strategy builds confidence as it assists significantly with speaking skills. The activity provides essential opportunities to correct issues related to student pronunciations, cadence, and timing. Students participate in this one-on-one system of on-going language and comprehension checks until excellent reading develops.
Small group discussions
In the on-site Intervention Program, one day a week Read Right students work on a supplementary reading and critical thinking activity in small groups. During these student-led discussions, participants read short passages of text and a set of questions requiring critical thinking. Students must choose an answer for each question and defend their answers to the group. The activity frequently results in lively student discussions, with students helping each other improve critical thinking skills.
Language Requirements
Grow vocabulary
Read Right builds vocabulary (words and phrases) in a manner similar to how young children acquire language in the home: hearing language and correctly using language with ever increasing complexity. Rather than provide students with lists of isolated words and requiring memorization in an artificial context, Read Right students read a passage of text in the context of a complete story. As these reads occur, tutors check for student comprehension. When students do not understand a word or phrase, a one-on-one language acquisition discussion occurs.
Prepare students for real-life experiences
“Real-life” experiences require students to use printed and spoken language in what becomes every-day contexts. In the K-12 classroom, students use reading skills to read instructions, books, textbooks, and tests. They will grow up to use their reading skills to read fiction, non-fiction, academic texts, literary works, political essays, technical instructions, articles, blogs, legal documents, and more. Read Right methodology is designed to help students learn to read “from meaning” each and every time they read. This means that Read Right graduates develop a neural network to guide the process of reading that automatically connects with their ever-increasing knowledge of the world with the printed messages that authors intend to convey. When this kind of automaticity happens, readers develop a pattern of using reading to grow their own vocabulary and accurately constructing meaning from text each and every time they read. This kind of excellent reading ability will help students be successful with reading throughout life.
Integrated use of vocabulary and conventions
In every Read Right program, “excellent reading ability” means that students consistently read with comfort, full comprehension, and aloud in a manner that sounds like conversational speech (appropriate cadence with no errors or unnatural pauses). The Read Right Primary Core Curriculum and Intervention Program are specifically designed to foster reading excellence. When students become truly excellent readers, they take with them the understanding of what is required to produce excellence as writers, speakers, or listeners. Every day in a Read Right program, students are intensively exposed to meaningful language that is conveying an authentic message. There are no artificial activities or exercises that could create the possibility that students would fail to integrate vocabulary and conventions appropriately.
Speaking & Listening Requirements:
Budget Sources
- Professional Development
- School Improvement
- Response to Intervention
- Special Ed
- Title I
- English Language Learners
- Curriculum Materials
- Other Materials
- Equipment