From Read Right Online Tutoring Student Cliff M., age 30-ish: “In the past, reading has always been my Achilles’ heel. Long paragraphs gave me anxiety, and my goal to read fluently seemed so far away. However, everything changed when I signed up with my Read Right tutor. Working with her has improved my reading, writing, […]
A Very Busy Boy Becomes an Excellent Reader
At age 6, Tyler was one of those very “busy boys” who would rather be outside playing (or inside playing video games) than doing anything associated with books. He had zero interest in learning to read. Tyler had a small cloud hanging over his head: His brother–three and a half years older–had figured out how […]
Learning to Read’s “Dark” Secret
by Rhonda StoneMaster of Public Administration–Education Policy/ReadingRead Right Systems The switch turns on and off, like a light in a windowless room. When it’s on, everything is seen. When it’s off, all is unseen–and whoever is in the room must feel their way through the darkness. Learning to read is much like this. It has […]
Read Right: A Paradigm Shift in Reading
A paradigm shift is a radical change in thinking—from an accepted point of view to a new one. Read Right reading programs (K-3 Primary Core Curriculum and the Read Right Intervention Program delivered on site or online) offer a paradigm shift in teaching reading effectively. What triggers a paradigm shift? Persistent problems that cannot be […]
Use ESSER Funds for Innovation and Acceleration
Special Education and Regular Education Students All Need Fast Growth Students qualifying for special education services are possibly among the hardest-hit by COVID disruptions. Federal ESSER funding (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief legislation) was authorized by Congress to address this. But, the ESSER-funded program you choose must result in rapid growth for students. Old, […]
Re-Thinking Special Education: What Is Possible? Pt. 2
By Rhonda Stone of Read Right SystemsPart 2 of 2 If it doesn’t work, why keep doing it? That is one interpretation of what Albert Einstein meant when he said: “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Special education programs across America continue to be locked into the 150-year-old […]
Re-Thinking Special Education: What is Possible? Pt. 1
by Dee Tadlock, Ph.D. Reading Instruction, Reading Remediation, and Online Reading TutoringPart 1 of 2 Students who qualify for special education services in reading typically fall further behind their peers each year. As the daughter of a friend said to her mother when assessed for special education services: “Mom, once you go into special ed, […]
Reading + the Mysterious, Miraculous Human Brain
by Rhonda Stone, MPATutor & CommunicationsRead Right Systems “Brain science?! Who needs to understand brain science?!” some may ask. In a word: Everyone! From parents to teachers to reading experts, if we all understood more about how the human brain works, fewer children, teens and adults would struggle with the essential skill of reading. Here […]
Help Your Child Read Right from the Start
by Dee Tadlock, Ph.D.Founder & Director of DevelopmentRead Right Systems One out of three children have significant reading problems. These children cannot easily and comfortably get information through reading, they certainly don’t find pleasure in it, and they struggle in school. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, if the reading […]
Literacy Shapes Life–Invest In It!
by Read Right StaffRead Right Systems Our intention is not to inspire fear; it is to point out that becoming an excellent reader–not a “basic” reader–is a life-shaping event. So–invest in it. Flying under the radar for several years now is the reality that lower literacy levels have a direct correlation to homelessness. Low literacy […]