The Difference You Seek: K-3 Primary Core Curriculum and Grade 2 – 12 Reading Intervention
Read Right methods are designed to move K-12 Students to successful, confident reading ability. Other programs focus on “Basic Skills.”
Read Right methodology is a significantly different approach to reading development fully grounded in scientific studies associated with: (1) how very young children teach themselves to read before starting school (the work of education researcher Dolores Durkin); (2) the neuroscience documenting how individuals overcome brain injury (see “neural plasticity”); (3) how virtually all humans figure out how to perform complex processes (see Jean Piaget’s renowned studies of young children); and more. Explore the phenomenal results achieved with Special Education students on our “Special Education” page (see menu to left).
Read Right methodology emerged 40 years in schools, colleges, adult literacy sites, and even prison systems to rapidly improve reading ability. Our data is exceptional and it is available to you upon request.
Today, Read Right methodology is available to K-12 schools in these forms:
- The Read Right Primary Core Curriculum for Grades K-3 is a whole class instructional model specifically designed to be your school or district’s classroom early reading program. The guiding objective is to produce students who read for excellence (proficient and above) within a school year. The objective of other reading programs is proficiency in “basic skills” (decoding and individual sight word recognition) within a school year. For the majority of students, over-emphasis on basic skills becomes a barrier to fluency and comprehension.
- The On-Site Read Right Reading Intervention Program for Grades 1 through 12 provides intensive training for your school staff (certificated teachers and non-certificated teaching assistants) over one full semester. We provide intensive training (seven weeks on-site) to the staff you select. As certified Read Right tutors and small-group instructors, your staff will be on-site experts in rapid reading improvement.
- Read Right Small Group Online Tutoring for individual students and groups (up to 3). Let our highly trained Read Right tutors deliver individual and small group instruction for you! We welcome single and multiple groups as pilot a pilot project, so that you can see for yourself the power of Read Right methodology.
Read Right Methods Address Reading Ability Where It Matters: The Neural Network Guiding the Process
The field of neuroscience and cognitive psychology have made it clear that the human brain has at least two memory “systems:” declarative and procedural. These two systems are like an iceberg: we can easily see and address one, but the other is unseen. It resides below the surface, in our subconscious memory. The part we can see, declarative memory, includes all the facts we can be explicitly taught and subsequently declare. For example, we can be taught that the letter “b” says “buh” and remember and declare it. However, procedural or “process” memory is implicit and hides below the level of our conscious awareness. Literally, it involves all of the neural encoding of complex activity into the brain’s expansive system of neurons, dendrites and electrical impulses. No individual can “tell” the brain how to perform a complex process; rather, the learner must experiment and figure out for themselves how to do it. The same is true for proficient and above reading ability, or what Read Right calls “excellent reading.” To achieve it, learners must know what excellent reading is, then they must experiment over and over again until they figure out how to make it happen.
As an example of the “implicit work” associated with reading that occurs below the level of conscious awareness, see if you can read this “sentence.” You’ll need one context clue: the first sentence is about reading.
R_ _ _ _ _ g _s a c_m_ _ _ x pr_c_ _s f_ _ _v_ry br_ _ _.
D_ y_ _ _g_ee?
Were you able to read the sentences? Were they hard or easy to read? What are your thoughts?
When humans learn to perform any kind of activity, we build a “network” in the brain to guide the doing of it. A “network” is a complex system of neurons that fire automatically and in sequence to guide all the activities we perform (including reading). We don’t know it is happening because the activity is implicit. Understanding how neural networks are built is essential to both early reading instruction and correcting all reading problems. In 2005, Read Right’s developer, Dr. Dee Tadlock, was the first to publish and publicly explain how this must work for the development of excellent reading ability. She did so after three years of intensive scientific inquiry and 20-plus years of success applying what she’d learned and guiding teams of educators and volunteers in the use of her highly effective methods.
Dr. Tadlock’s intensive inquiry revealed that the root cause of nearly all reading problems is a neural network incorrectly built to guide the act of reading. She began making presentations on this at national education conferences in the late 1990s–long, long before other reading programs began promoting the associated science. More directly: During the early learning years, when the network for reading is initially built, it is either built correctly or errors are encoded into the neural system. Read Right methodology compels the struggling reader’s brain to remodel the neural network so it yields excellent reading ability each and every time the individual reads, including immediate recognition of unknown vocabulary.
Excellent reading means the reader:
- Is 100% internally comfortable as he or she reads
- Understands the author’s message at a literal level (assuming sufficient background knowledge to enable understanding)
- When reading out loud, sounds natural, like conversational speech.
Fixing a reading problem isn’t easy. It requires highly structured methods, which Dr. Tadlock has developed. It’s important to know that Right Right methodology was documented to rapidly improve reading ability for 20 years before the Read Right K-3 Primary Core Curriculum was developed. It’s important because no other K-3 classroom reading program ever quickly, systematically, and reliably transformed struggling readers to excellent readers before the methods were applied to early reading instruction (see the definition of an excellent reader above). Read Right is the first.
Effectiveness Data
Visit our data page for immediate access to a few studies. Request more data by filling out our Contact Form. In the Comment box, please specify the type of data you’d prefer (elementary, middle school, high school, special education, English language learners, or Native American students).
Requests For Reference Lists
We welcome requests for reference lists and we invite you to listen to a few video testimonials below (many more video testimonials are available in our Video Library).

Procedural Learning Works to Rapidly Improve Reading Skills
John Berry is a former pro-football player and a current high school principal in Texas. He confirms that Read Right works with all ages of high school students who are not yet excellent readers, including special education, general education and advanced placement students. He sees strong parallels with how athletes develop their skills and how the Read Right Intervention programs advance students’ reading abilities.

School Board Member Lauds Success of Reading Program
Marti Hines is a member of the school board in Bridgeport, Texas and a retired teacher and principal. She speaks to the effectiveness of Read Right’s intensive staff training and to the “amazing” results she has witnessed with the program. She appreciates that the Read Right approach is different from any other intervention program.

Reading Program Works With Behavior Problems
Nancy Louis has been trained as a Read Right Trainer for Mariana Bracetti Academy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She shares her experiences in witnessing the effect on behavior and discipline issues when students are transformed in their reading abilities through participation in Read Right.

Reading Intervention: Success After 1 Year
Amy, a first grade teacher, and her daughter Maddy explain how devastated Maddy was when she wasn’t able to read in first grade and how her childhood was disrupted by the frequent need to spend 3-4 hours helping her with homework. Once participation in Read Right resulted in a significant improvement in her reading, she could do her homework in a timely manner in her room by herself. She was now able to play with her friends after school, like all children should.

Principal of At-Risk Secondary School Says Reading Program Works
Dr. Vic Rucker is principal of the Secondary Reassignment Center, which is part of the Irving, Texas Independent School District. He sees students for an average of 20-30 days and then returns them to their home schools. Altogether, he sees about 1,000 students per year. Each one is referred for discipline issues, and he finds that poor reading skills are often the root of their poor behaviors. Because Read Right works so quickly to transform reading abilities, he finds that his students often progress 1-2 years in the 20-30 days they are at his school and that this kind of growth can make it possible for them to participate in the life of their home schools.