“We have parents with kids in college now who know their kids probably wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for Read Right. I am definitely an advocate.”
–Melinda Reeves, 2004 Texas High School Principal of the Year
A reading program used by colleges in many regions of the United States is quickly improving the reading skills of adult students of all ages.
Using two different systems of measurement, Kim Whalen of Ozarks Technical College recently examined the progress of 406 multi-age students enrolled in the college’s Read Right Reading Comprehension Program during six separate semesters. After only one semester of tutoring, improvement was significant. The two systems of measure were the COMPASS reading test and the American College Testing (ACT) program’s ASSET reading test. Read The PDF
Portland, OR—A rigorous experimental study by researchers at Education Northwest found that low-achieving middle and high school students increased their reading comprehension after one semester of tutoring with Read Right, a nationally used intervention program that supplements regular English language arts instruction. The study looked at student achievement in reading and motivation to read for 424 students in four Omaha, Nebraska, secondary schools during the fall semester of 2009. Read The PDF
Irving ISD’s high – poverty John Haley Elementary School made headlines in the Dallas Morning News a few years back for its exceptional success achieving a 90 percent passing standard and an “exemplary” state rating. Among the many effective programs and strategies embraced by staff to raise student achievement, John Haley Elementary was using Read Right’s highly structured small-group tutoring program with “Tier III” students to transform them from extreme reading difficulties to competent, successful readers. Read The PDF
School – Wide Failure Rate Reduced by 58% at Norris Middle School About two years ago, Irving ISD hosted a team of educators from Omaha Public Schools to look at the highly effective reading program being used in Irving to serve struggling Tier 3 readers. Paula Dugger, Reading Coordinator for the District, reported that 70% of Irving’s Tier 3 readers in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades were passing the TAKS after being tutored with a new program called Read Right. Irving has implemented Read Right in all of its 20 elementary schools as well as its secondary schools.
The Omaha visitors, impressed by Irving’s team of educators and the results being achieved, returned to Omaha and implemented the same Read Right program in 18 elementary schools and 6 secondary schools. Omaha principals report very rapid improvement in reading skills and a ripple effect through other subject areas. One of these principals is Anita Harkins, Principal of Norris Middle School.
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A Texas bi-county learning cooperative for special education services earned top honors a few years back for its highly successful Read Right Reading Intervention Program. The national award for Read Right program excellence was presented to the Freestone Navarro Bi – County Coop at a national conference held in Seattle, Wash. The Fairfield office was the only co-op in the country to receive the honor. The Read Right program has been a tremendous success, says Pat Harper, former executive director of special education (now retired).
“These students are passing TAKS tests, when they never did before,” Mrs. Harper adds. Read The PDF