Revolutionary reading success for 40+ years

Online Reading Tutoring Online Tutoring for Reading

20+ Years Experience with Distance and Online Learning

In 1998, Read Right Systems was among the first organizations to introduce “distance learning” for reading intervention via telephone. In 2010, as soon as reliable technology was available, we introduced Online Tutoring for reading, making virtual face-to-face tutoring accessible nearly anywhere. No one has more experience delivering highly effective virtual learning for reading than Read Right!

Read Right Online Tutoring is Effective With:

  • Non-readers, ages 5 and up, and struggling readers of all ages: Grades 2 and up, teens, and adults with mild to severe reading problems.
  • Neurodivergence issues, including Dyslexia, Autism spectrum disorders, and ADHD
  • Special Education students
  • English Language Learners
  • Developmental college students
  • Adults who have struggled with reading for years

Online Tutoring is Easy and Highly Effective

  • Sign up for a Consultation. If you are a parent of a student, you can observe.
  • The Consultation typically lasts for 45 minutes to an hour. Adults and students are welcome to ask questions at the end.
  • Step 1: If the student is a non-reader, they are assessed for phonics knowledge. If they are a struggling reader, they are assessed to determine the right level to begin tutoring that is challenging, but not so challenging that it causes anxiety. The assessment is brief–a plus for individuals who are easily stressed by assessments.
  • Step 2: The rest of the Consultation is devoted to a “Demonstration Lesson,” whereby the student is introduced to the Read Right core process for reading improvement: The Cycling & Judging Excellence process. The patented approach is one of three Read Right instructional components. It is unique to Read Right methodology.
  • Once the Consultation is complete, you choose whether to proceed with tutoring. There is no requirement to do so–and you can end tutoring at any time.
  • From there, the student will be matched with a Read Right Tutor, based upon the client’s available tutoring times and the tutor’s schedule. Once the tutor is assigned, you’ll receive all the information you need to start tutoring.
  • The only special equipment required is: A high-speed internet line; a computer, iPad, or Chromebook; and software sufficient for Zoom videoconferencing, as well as a video camera and speakers supporting audio and video transmission. If a headset is used, it must be equipped with a working microphone.
  • Zoom can be downloaded at The free app is sufficient for 45-minute appointments. Longer appointments may require a reasonable subscription.
  • Finally: We use the online e-library for all tutoring. Read Right clients have free access to the e-library during regular school hours (9 am to 3pm). We highly recommend clients purchase their own account to provide 24-hour a day access to the Epic books the student will be assigned for independent reading. Fees for the e-library are reasonable: $15 per month or significantly less for an annual membership.

Learn more about how Read Right is significantly different as compared to other methods by scroll down our Home Page.

Being a student in the Read Right program has helped me out tremendously. I am now helping my 9-year-old become an excellent reader. I enjoy reading now more than ever

— Cindy, age 32 —