Revolutionary reading success for 40+ years

Online Reading Tutoring Online Reading Tutoring For Groups

Online Reading Tutoring for Schools, Corporations & Organizations

Group Tutoring for Rapid Reading Improvement is Available Online to Virtually Everyone

Read Right online reading tutoring is available for groups. This means that your employees or students can get the reading help they need from our online tutoring for reading. Read Right reading programs transform readers, students or employees who need help with reading into excellent readers. Our unique reading instruction methods are responsible for our rapid results!
We have developed two delivery methods for the Read Right Reading Intervention Program: The on-site small-group reading tutoring program conducted by your teachers, instructors, and aides, as well as live and interactive Online Reading Tutoring Services delivered by our certified Read Right tutors for your students. Our Online Reading Tutoring Service gives schools and organizations with high speed Internet access the opportunity to immediately provide highly effective reading intervention to children, teens, and adults virtually anywhere.

Initial Steps for Read Right Online Reading Tutoring

  1. ON-SITE MODEL: Schools, colleges, corporations or private programs enroll in the Read Right Online Reading Tutoring Service. Our service for organizations includes two options for materials: a library of approximately 200 nationally-published books OR enrollment in an online book library with access to 44,000 book titles. In addition to materials, the model features a minimum of 20 hours of group reading tutoring for up to three students per “pod”.
  2. ONLINE TUTORING MODEL: Enroll your individual students in the Online Reading Tutoring Service and inform the students of the scheduled reading tutoring time.
  3. FIRST, ASSESSMENT: Before tutoring begins a “Consultation” is provided, during which each student is assessed to ensure that reading tutoring begins at a level of text complexity that will provide the best environment for success. During this assessment, the student is asked to read aloud from increasingly complex paragraphs. The type, frequency, and intensity of emerging symptoms are analyzed, and this information is used to determine the student’s proper placement in Read Right tutoring materials.
  4. SECOND, STARTING THE STUDENT: Also during the Consultation, students are introduced to the methods Read Right tutors use to eliminate the reading problem. Called “Starting the Student,” struggling readers frequently experience what excellent reading is for the first time in their lives.
  5. FINALLY: Reading Tutoring begins!

Read Right Methods Found Effective via Gold Standard Research

  • Controlled research finds the methods produce “significant positive effect”
  • Positive results are achieved in weeks rather than years
  • Read Right Online Reading Tutoring is available virtually anywhere

Online Reading Tutoring is Appropriate For

  • Individuals with mild to severe reading problems
  • Tier 2 and 3 RTI students
  • Special Education students, including dyslexic and learning disabled students
  • Developmental college students
  • Adults in workforce development programs
  • English Language Learners of all ages

What Accounts for the Success of Read Right Online Tutoring for Reading?

Read Right tutoring is highly effective because we use an immersive environment and highly structured methods to address BOTH explicit/declarative learning and implicit/procedural learning. Both are essential for reading success. Virtually all other reading interventions focus on the explicit aspects of reading development. Scientific neuro-imaging studies have documented that the human brain processes explicit information and implicit neural activity in significantly different ways. Read Right methodology uses implicit/procedural learning to harness the brain’s natural “plasticity,” or the ability to construct and remodel the neural networks that guide all of the functions we perform, including reading. Top athletes and musicians use implicit/procedural learning all the time to perfect their abilities!

Learn more about how Read Right is significantly different as compared to other methods by scroll down our Home Page.

My 2nd grade son took his STAR reading test (a measure reading progress) last week. He scored 1 grade level and 2 months (1.2) HIGHER than he scored on the STAR in September, before he started Read Right. Excellent results after just 15 hours of Read Right tutoring! He loves to read now, and he's reading 2-3 chapter books a week. He has some more improvements to make in his fluency, but I know he will continue to make those improvements.

— Mother of Successful Reader —