Online tutoring is convenient—tutor anywhere, as long as you have the equipment. It’s private because you can be in your own home. You don’t have to wonder if it will work–there’s a money-back guarantee!
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Online tutoring is convenient—tutor anywhere, as long as you have the equipment. It’s private because you can be in your own home. You don’t have to wonder if it will work–there’s a money-back guarantee!
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The individual has to read the way the network is guiding the process; he cannot read in any other way. It follows that the only way to eliminate a reading problem is to compel the brain to re-model the network so it yields excellent reading every time it is accessed to make reading happen. Brains are “plastic,” but they are unlikely to accidently encounter an environment that would cause them to remodel existing circuitry. The tutoring environment must be precise to facilitate the remodeling work and ensure it will happen.
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It is based on theoretical constructs that challenge mainstream thinking and are compatible with what is known about how the brain learns a process. The focus is on an implicit cognitive strategy of anticipating the author’s intended meaning as the foundation of excellent reading. Extraordinary results with struggling readers, including special education students (dyslexia, autism, ADD, ADHD) and English Language Learners reveal the promise of the new approach. Visit Website
I was eager to finish my dissertation and get started with a career of helping struggling readers. I never dreamed my first client would be my own son, and that helping him would be a major fork in the road for me.
My younger son eagerly started first grade. With his sunny, outgoing personality, dimpled grin, advanced linguistic skills, and wide experiential background, we were anticipating smooth sailing. However, it soon became apparent that he was lagging in reading—he was not catching on. Visit Website
Read Right consultants can train school staff to implement the unique methodology, or Read Right staff can offer service directly to students via live, real-time Online Tutoring. Read Right also offers a whole-class Primary Core Curriculum.Visit Website