We have seen great success a within many Native American Nations.
Many Native American Nations including: Muckleshoot, Kalispel, and Spokane Nations in Washington State; the Yup’ik Nation in Alaska; the Cheyenne in South Dakota; the Sioux in North Dakota; have implemented Read Right Reading Program in their schools. Read Right has proven to be a worthwhile investment!
Funding Sources
- Tribal funds
- Special Education
- Title I & Title VII
- School Improvement funds
- Curriculum adoption
- English Language Learners
- Vocational (JTPA, School to Work, Carl Perkins, WIA)
- Materials budgets
- Staff development
- Special levy
- State, federal, and foundation grants
- Extended payment over two budget years
Read Right is Cost Effective When Measured by Cost Per Grade Level Gained
Serving the same student year after year is expensive
- Read Right works to quickly eliminate reading problems
School dropouts are expensive
- Read Right eliminates a major barrier to academic success
Losing Human Potential is expensive
- Eliminating a reading problem gives the student ready access to information, ideas, and inspiration through print.
Many schools want to bring Read Right to their students, but where will they get the funding? Read Right’s extreme flexibility in dealing with various populations of students makes creative financing possible. Funds can be drawn from several different budgets and combined to invest in Read Right.
What do you get for your money?
- Significant, permanent, and transformational improvement in reading for even the most challenged students
- Seven weeks of intensive hands-on training spread over 18 weeks—all day every day plus one hour after the students leave
- Staff trained in a highly structured tutoring system that is extraordinarily effective with struggling readers—including Special Education and ELL students
- 700+ book library plus 300 recorded selections configured to work with total non-readers through the highest grade in your school (+1)
- Student management and project management systems
- Assessment tools for both formative and summative assessment
- Digital Library (audio files needed for one component of the methodology)
- Detailed monthly reports verifying each student’s progress and measuring the health of the project as a whole
- Quality assurance systems